
- 脉动时速 ∙ Vibro Speed -

A Watch-only app lets you view and feel speed on your wrist.

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- 支持 ∙ Support -

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- 隐私 ∙ Privacy -

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. Your data belongs to you, and we will only use it according to the policies outlined below.

Collection of Personally-Identifying Information

Location Data: VibroSpeed requests access to your location to calculate and display your real-time speed. This data is used exclusively within the app to provide features such as speed notifications via voice or haptic feedback. Your location data is never stored, shared, or transmitted outside your device.

HealthKit Data: If you choose to integrate VibroSpeed with HealthKit, the app will only access the data types you explicitly grant permission for. VibroSpeed may request access to HealthKit to read and write relevant information, such as workout duration and metrics, for workout analysis. No data collected from HealthKit is transmitted outside your device or shared with third parties. The data remains securely stored in your HealthKit store, based on your permissions.

Protection of Personal Data

VibroSpeed does not transmit any information outside of your device. All data remains local and is used solely within the app.

If you have any questions regarding of your data, please contact support.

Last Updated: 2024-09-23



位置信息:VibroSpeed 请求访问您的位置信息,以计算并显示您的实时速度。此数据仅在应用程序内使用,用于提供语音播报或触感通知功能。您的位置信息绝不会被存储、共享或传输到您的设备之外。

健康数据:如果您选择将 VibroSpeed 与“健康”App 集成,该应用程序将仅访问您明确授予权限的数据类型。VibroSpeed 可能会请求访问“健康”App 以读取和写入相关信息(例如锻炼持续时间和指标),用于锻炼分析。从“健康”App 收集的数据不会传输到您的设备之外或与第三方共享。根据您的权限许可,数据将安全地存储在您的“健康”App 数据库中。


VibroSpeed 不会将任何信息传输到您的设备之外。所有数据都保留在本地,并且仅在应用程序内使用。



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